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  • EU-Dienstleistungsverkehr

    Litauen (Lithuania/Lietuva)

    Insurance Supervisory Commission in charge for Austria: FMA

    Insurance Supervisory Commission in charge for Lithuania: LB

    Authority for Extra-judicial Settlement of Consumer Disputes: Supervisory to the Bank of Lithuania, Zirmunu Str. 151, LT-09128 Vilnius, Email: pt@lb.lt

    More: www.lb.lt/lt/daugiau-apie-gincius-su-finansiniu-paslaugu-teikeju

    Distribution strategy


    Tied insurance intermediary: UAB Eurolife Baltic

    Identification number: 3001 18553

    Address: J. Kubiliaus str. 6, Vilnius, LT-08234                                     

    Telephone: +370 5 232 5316

    Fax: +370 5 232 5314

    E-mail: office@eurolife.lt

    Person in charge: Nelli Korolenko

    State of action: Lithuania


    Date of the inclusion of Eurolife Baltic into the list of tied insurance intermediary: August 20th, 2005


    According to the agreement with Grazer Wechselseitige Versicherung AG, Eurolife Latvia SIA is not authorised to accept insurance premiums or other payments on behalf of Grazer Wechselseitige Versicherung AG.


    Link: Names and Surnames of the natural persons working at Eurolife Baltic and pursuing the activity of insurance mediation.


    Bank Details Grazer Wechselseitige Versicherung AG in Lithuania:

    IBAN: LT36 7300 0101 2987 8819


    GRAWE policyholders in Lithuania have the possibility to consent to the electronic transmission of contract documents to their e-mail address. This means that GRAWE will send e.g. information about contract values or premium payment dates via e-mail. NOT included in the consent is the transmission of policies and policy endorsements; GRAWE always sends these documents as paper documents by post. The consent relates to all existing and future insurance contracts of the policyholder. It can be revoked at any time. Policyholders can register under the following link and give consent to electronic transmission. After successful registration a confirmation e-mail will be sent to the e-mail address provided.


    Eingabemaske Litauen