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  • Curriculum vitae

    DDI Mag. Dr. Günther Puchtler

    Since 7/2017
    Member of the Board, GRAWE-Vermögensverwaltung 

    9/2000 - 6/2017
    Member of the Board of Directors

    Joined Grazer Wechselseitige as manager of the life insurance / policy department, was granted procuration

    Acceptance as authorized actuary in the Austrian Actuarial Association

    1995 - 1997
    Member of the management of Sensortechnics, Munich 

    1987 - 1995
    Management consultant in Düsseldorf and Munich in the fields of logistics, life insurance and IT

    1986 - 1987
    Project collaboration at GRAWE in the field of life insurance and IT

    1983 - 1986
    University Lecturer, Institute for Administrative Economics

    1978 - 1987
    Studies Technical Mathematics, Informatics and Process Engineering at the University of Technology in Graz

    1977 - 1982
    Study Business Administration, University of Graz